This is their idea of the constitution…

Well..if you’ve been reading or watching the news over the last couple of days, you’ve seen some quite disturbing behavior by some of the tea party candidates whose reason for running has been their respect of the constitution. Oh, really? Let’s start with Joe Miller who is running for senate from Alaska. This lying jerk (he admitted he is a liar the other day) couldn’t take a non-Fox reporter trying to ask him questions so he had his goon squad (he calls them bodyguards) handcuff and detain the reporter in what they called a “citizens arrest”; and the local sheriff had to come and rescue the guy. So, I guess ole Joe believes in the first amendment only when it suits him…but that shouldn’t surprise us since he has stated his admiration for the East German communist regime because “they knew how to handle illegal immigration”; but what this idiot clearly doesn’t care to know is that it was not immigration but emigration that they could handle well…with something called the Berlin Wall and shooting anyone who tried to leave.

Then, we have the “volunteer” from Rand Paul’s campaign who was shown on video stomping on the neck of a person from who was trying to ask Paul a question and was set upon by the mob that was at the rally. These are the kinds of thugs that are part of the tea party and are who you are going to have on your conscience if you vote for them. I guess the only people that have rights in their vision of America are those that agree with them…watch out the rest of us.

Then, we have Sharron Angle from Nevada…the tea party darling…who has said that if she doesn’t win the election, then there may have to be “Second Amendment remedies” for her loss…yep, she is proposing armed insurrection to “take back our country” if the people don’t want to vote for her. Another constitutional scholar from the right that uses the constitution as a political prop but doesn’t believe in it….don’t these people look like the bullies that tortured you when you were in school? I, for one, don’t want a bunch of thugs representing me or being anywhere near me….geez…

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