Well….as usual, the repubs are trying to drag this country backwards to the bad old days of people dying for perfectly preventable illnesses…and the big thing is they just don’t give a damn…these smug assholes just stand there grinning as they lie and lie to you, me and everybody else….32 million people will be without insurance if this despicable “healthcare” bill passes….people undergoing cancer treatment will now get that treatment cut off as soon as this monstrosity passes…and people in my boat..before Medicare but with the need for insurance will see their premiums skyrocket up to 10,000 percent…one estimate puts the cost to someone like me at 140,000 dollars a year…and who can afford that? Again…these assholes don’t give a damn…and the only thing keeping me sane through all this is that, if they pass this bill, they will lose both the house and senate next year and they could possibly be killing the repub party completely…couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of assholes….what should be the penalty for murdering their fellow citizens?