Some thoughts on power…

Well…given the effort from the idiot trump to push more coal power across the US and the world, I thought I’d relate a new study that I just read about the cost of power. Done by a company called Lazard every year and called the levelized cost of energy analysis, this study deals with the relative costs for generating power from the major types; coal, nuclear, wind, solar, and natural gas….and the results this year are stunning….the cost of renewable power build and operation has fallen below the cost to just operate coal and nuclear plants…and that means that the installations are essentially free…all of those wind farms and solar cells that are sprouting across the world are essentially free to build and the electricity they generate are about half the cost of traditional methods….so maybe even the idiot’s interference in the generating market to push coal will be derailed by the simple economics of the power market…after all, who would pay twice the price just to keep a few coal miners working? And, the jobs in solar and wind pay much more and are much less dangerous than mining….just some thoughts….

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