Well….it there was any doubt that the idiot trump was a fascist, that was put to rest when when his justice department arrested and charged people who were protesting him with multiple felonies. Yeah, you heard that right…in the huge protest against trump and everything he stands for, hundreds of people were arrested for exercising their first amendment rights just because it hurt the little man’s fee fees…and the reason they used was that there was some property damage along the parade route done by someone so everyone who was at the protest was guilty, including journalists who were covering it. This nonsense was put to rest today when a jury came back with a not guilty verdict on all charges for the first 6 people charged…but my question is how could this trial even start when courts have ruled many times in the past that protesting is protected speech? This is just another instance where the idiot trump and his minions are seeking to destroy the constitution since it’s protections are inconvenient to their goal of making the US into Russia where dissent is met with jail time, murder, or worse. Trump needs to go now…impeach….