Well….watching Jerry Seinfeld’s “Comedians in cars getting coffee” that just dropped on Netflix and I am getting some pretty good laughs from it…oh, buried the lede…the show is just Jerry and his comedian guests riding around in old cars trying to make each other laugh…and then they go have coffee at a place around LA…but, that not the cool part…you know my brain works a little differently than most peoples…and that difference drove my thoughts to some small detail that happens sometimes…the car breaks down and then the crew swoops in and fixes it…like having your own personal pit crew…now, that would be cool…having a support staff that their only job was to fix your car whenever it breaks down and strands you….or they just bring another car to drive…which happened in last years show when he was driving a Delorean that puked it’s water pump…by the time they were done with coffee, another one had been delivered to finish off the show…..yep, I told you I was weird…..