Well….after a little digging into the transcript of the testimony of the leader of fusion GPS that was posted yesterday by Senator Feinstein, it is clear we need to label the repubs behavior for what it is….treason. When you look at the differences between the dems questioning and the repub questioning, you can see that the repubs don’t care to get to the bottom of Russian meddling in our election, they only care about protecting the idiot trump and their power while the patriotic dems want to know what happened and how we can protect our country from this kind of intrusion in the future. This kind of meddling, included using social media to plant fake stories is still going on and was recognized to be happening in the Alabama senate election and in the Virginia governor’s election…but what do the repubs want to do about it? Nothing, since the Russians are still helping them win elections across this country…and the treasonous trump and his minions ignore the problem that other countries have mobilized their intelligence community against….while his buddy Putin destabilizes the world. It is time not just for dems but for every citizen who cares about this country to step up and call this repub conspiracy what it is…treason…impeach….