Well….I know you’re probably tired about anything to do with the fake media bias that the repubs keep harping about, telling everyone all the time that it is biased against the right…well…not really true…but you know that….and all you have to do is look at the coverage of the women’s marches across the country that happened this weekend…from the coverage, you would think that there were 15 or 20 women total at all the marches, and there was absolutely no coverage on the Sunday shows of any of them…yeah…this is the true media bias….over 5 million women and men took to the streets to show their resistance to trump and his cronies and the destruction that continues by their ignorant, mysoginistic policies…and to keep the momentum up for voting in November. So, the next time someone on the right cries media bias, tell them to shut the hell up…I’m tired of hearing it….more later…