Tag Archives: media bias

804,000 jobs….

Well….I’m still sure not why the hot economy has not broken through into the consciousness of the American people…they still think the economy sucks and it’s just not true…especially with the jobs report that came out this morning…economists were predicting from 3 to 400,000 new jobs for this month but real number is over twice that at 804,000 jobs…and not a peep from the mainstream media….no huge NYT headlines…no reports at all on CNN or any other news shows other that  a 10 second blurb that it exceeded expectations and then a shrug…think back a bit…when the idiot trump crowed about over 200,000  jobs created, the media heaped praise on trump all damn day long and when Joe creates 4 times as many, you can still hear the damn crickets…the best job creation in the first year of a presidency since numbers have been kept and the story is still how “ineffective” Biden has been just because frickin Manchin is holding up the rest of his agenda….what the hell happened to the media? I have an idea that the editors and managers have been infiltrated by right wing assholes who are doing their best to “both sides” and minimize Joe’s achievements for what reason I don’t know…why don’t they want America to succeed? This is sabotage plain and simple and it needs to stop….geez…

I was right…

Well…as you know, one of my big bitches is that it appears that media coverage of Joe Biden is much more negative than it was for the idiot trump…anecdotal evidence of course, but there is now a new analysis from the Washington Post that shows what I expected is true….that the media doesn’t cover any of the good things happening with the Biden administration but they reported any damn thing that idiot boy did and tried to slant it as being positive. Finally, the press is starting to realize their part in this slanting of news stories and some big names are beginning to sound the alarm about the damage this is doing to the mood of the country…especially since people don’t seem to know that jobs and wages are up and that the pandemic is now in full bloom in red counties where most of the people are not vaccinated. It’s not cheerleading for the Biden administration when you report the truth and the progress that has been made, and if you report that the repubs are still trying to rig the next election and take away women’s rights…and those kinds of things are damn serious and people need to know about it….it seems that idiot boy damaged the media along with the government in his 4 years of a criminal administration….and all of us need to do our part to repair it…at least vote…and not for the damn repubs…geez…

Media bias?

Well….I know you’re probably tired about anything to do with the fake media bias that the repubs keep harping about, telling everyone all the time that it is biased against the right…well…not really true…but you know that….and all you have to do is look at the coverage of the women’s marches across the country that happened this weekend…from the coverage, you would think that there were 15 or 20 women total at all the marches, and there was absolutely no coverage on the Sunday shows of any of them…yeah…this is the true media bias….over 5 million women and men took to the streets to show their resistance to trump and his cronies and the destruction that continues by their ignorant, mysoginistic policies…and to keep the momentum up for voting in November. So, the next time someone on the right cries media bias, tell them to shut the hell up…I’m tired of hearing it….more later…