Well…it looks like you’re not going to get a political one today since I may be going out to meet up with T in a few minutes….it has been quite a busy day so far for me with doing the grocery run early, then taking the car out to wash it, getting a bike ride in, and then making a big lunch that I just finished putting away. I was going to talk about music for a while but I’ve done that before, got that idea this morning when “the Last Waltz” came on a regular tv channel and I had to watch some of that…like that movie so much I just ordered it up on the server and it just showed up and I’m watching it as I write this…I was going to talk about the process of seeing Led Zeppelin back in 74 and 75 but that will beĀ story for later….I think I need to start putting some of my stories down so I don’t forget them…and my kids may want to know what my early life was about…so it will have to be sanitized somewhat…but, not too much…we thought we were pretty bad but, compared to now, we weren’t really that bad….