Well…as you know, I’ve been fighting a little bit of a bug the past few days and, when I got up this morning, I felt pretty darn crappy and it appeared that I would spend the day hunkered down on the couch trying to stay warm and not get any worse. But then I picked up my phone and the number 48 appeared on my home screen…48 degrees, in January, in Michigan…how could I pass that up? So, I decided to suit up and get out on the bike even though the wind was blowing over 20 mph….and, of course, since it was that warm, I had to go out in shorts with no gloves….yeah, I know, that makes me kind of an idiot when I’ve got the bug I have but I just had to go since it would probably be the last time in shorts until spring. I am glad that I put gloves in the bag, though, since the temp started to fall as soon as I got out and I needed them about halfway through…and it was down to 43 by the time I got back here. Not sure if I did any damage since I feel okay right now but we’ll see later….