Well…as we all know, the idiot trump is the laziest person ever to sit in the WH and really doesn’t do anything that a normal president would do…this laziness is starting to endanger the country and congress needs to do something about it…okay, that’s not going to happen but that doesn’t mean we should resign ourselves to just accepting the damage as being normal. Just today, the head of the FBI revealed that trump has not once asked any of the intelligence services to look into Russia’s attack on our elections or to put plans in place to stop them from doing it…yeah, I’ll repeat that…one of the most dangerous threats to our country is not important to the idiot…and I’m sure you can figure out why….the Russians still have the compromising info they use to control the idiot and keeping that quiet is more important to trump than the future of this country….the frickin definition of treason and yet the rpub congress does nothing….and to put an exclamation point of how stupid and dangerous trump is, we just have to look at his behavior when dealing with the Russians on the middle east…idiot boy has had 8 conversations with Putin that no one, no media or any other people in his administration has been able to listen in to….and now, trump has said that Putin “speaks for him” about the Palestinian problem and has left it to Putin to find a solution….how would this have played in the repub congress if Obama had abdicated his responsibilities to be president since he was just too lazy to put in any effort? When, repubs? When are you going to put the country first? Yeah, I know, never….impeach…