Well…I know, I promised to not do another one on the idiot over the weekend but I just had to comment on the hospital visit the moron did yesterday on the way to another golf weekend….and yes, it only lasted 6 minutes including the walk from his limo and back…so really, he was in the hospital for around 3 minutes to get the photo op that the repubs are so good (bad) at…just like Paul Ryan washing clean dishes at a homeless shelter, the idiot trump basically walked in one door and out another while trying to praise the staffers at the hospital where many of the injured were being treated…and failing spectacularly at that….the feeling of the community was conveyed succinctly by some of the students in Parkland who tweeted “just stay the hell away from us”…a sentiment that is shared by most of us here in the US…just stay the hell away from us….and go golf…geez…