Well…almost as predictable as the sun rising, the hard right, pushed by the NRA is smearing the kids who survived the shooting in Parkland Florida, calling them “FBI plants” and rolling out the right’s perennial bugaboo, George Soros, as being behind the student protests. No, assholes…these are teenagers who have had enough, who look to the adults in this country to protect them, and all they see is the repubs saying there is nothing that can be done, that dead children are the price we pay for “freedom”. I understand how they feel…not from a school shooting when I was young, but we did walk out at my high school to protest the Vietnam war and the lies that started it and continued it…and the same tactics were used against us that are being used now…calling us communists and un-patriotic while we were just trying to stop something we knew was wrong. Just like the Parkland kids. The knuckle dragging, NRA funded gun fetishists on the right are trying to use the fact that these kids are organized and putting together protests so quickly that it must be a left wing plot, that no group of teenagers could do what they’ve done in the past few days…hey, knuckle draggers…do you know any modern teenagers? With how social media is ingrained into their lives, they know how to use it to organize…I mean, I even set up my Facebook page in less than 5 minutes, and I’m an old guy. It is imperative that those of us on the right side of this issue, those of us who support these kids trying to finally DO something about children being murdered have their backs, and to push back on these right wing assholes who would smear and denigrate their efforts…go get ‘em Parkland!