Well…we all know that the repubs lie all the time, every damn time they open their mouths it’s a lie…and that was the case with the tax cut scam that has been foisted on the American people. They have gone on an on about how much of the cuts will go to the middle class; that it’s primary benefit will go to the middle class…my question is since when is Warren Buffet in the middle class? Just yesterday, Buffet revealed how much his tax cut was from that odious piece of crap…29 billion dollars…yep, one person, one of the richest people in the world got a gift of 29 billion dollars from the cuts…I wonder what you got? I know I didn’t get a damn dime and analysis of the law found that companies and the rich got over 95% of the cuts….so, that leaves 5% for the rest of us…I wonder what 5% divided by 330 million people is? Not jack shit, and the lie that giving companies all that money would “trickle down” to higher wages…nope wrong again….only 3.5% of the tax cuts went into wages and most of them went to “bonuses” that are one time things…not a raise in wages that are permanent. The rest went to stockholders and owners just as it was designed to do….so when you look in your paycheck and see that extra buck fifty….remember the 29 billion and how the repubs screwed you….