Well…not feeling too hot today and my lungs are filled with crap again….not sure what is going on but I think it’s another cold…not the flu since I don’t feel flu bad…slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of and I wonder if that’s part of feeling a little tired today…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I do want to wash the car today to get the Mt.P mud off of it…and to get some quarters for pool later….already thinking about putting the summer tires back on the car since it looks like the snow is over…but, this is Michigan and only Feb so maybe I’ll wait a while….I do need to strip the old bike tomorrow and get the broken frame out of here so I’ll have room for the new bike…and I need to get out to get some new zip ties to install the computer on the new bike…okay, I need more coffee and to read some news…more later….