Well…can the repubs get any lower? Their continued support for the NRA and the gun manufacturers have meant that children are just fodder for their political games…they will protect the hell out of them until they are born but after that they are on their own…and that was emphasized by the announcement yesterday that the idiot running the EPA….”first class Pruitt” will be closing the lab that studies the effect of new chemicals on children…yep, idiot Pruitt can fly first class all over the world but he says the US can’t afford to ensure that the new chemicals pushed by the chemical companies don’t kill children…this is all part of the dystopian vision that these idiots have for this country, that corporations will do the right thing and not kill us in the service of profit for the rich. Remembering back to my anatomy classes when I was working on my psych degree, it was known that chemicals affect the fast growing tissues of children in completely different ways than adults….and it is necessary to study these effects before using the children across this country as guinea pigs by introducing new chemicals without study. This is the modern repub party, folks…it’s okay for corporations to profit off of the killing of our children as long as the political donations keep flowing…geez….