Well….it appears that Conor Lamb, the dem, won the special election for a house seat in blood red trump country…a district that was won by the idiot trump by 20 points last year…and my question is “where are your tweets today, idiot boy?” We all know that trump takes credit for everything even though he has nothing to do with it, and bankruptcies and lies and losing is never his fault…so I am not holding my breath to hear a word from him…and that will be a good thing…you can only take so much idiocy before your frontal lobes start to melt down and mine have been sloshing around in my head for some time now. I am still concerned that we will take back control of the house in November, but, the repubs in districts that went for Hillary or that idiot boy only won by single digits should be making plans for another career…it warms me that we are turning out for these elections so far with an enthusiasm that I never thought I’d see again in my lifetime….November is being treated like it’s the most important election in the history of the country…and it is…impeach…