Well…as we all know, Jeff Sessions is a liar….he constantly lied about his contacts with the Russians during the campaign, and he also lied about the meeting where Papadopoulos told him that he could set up a meeting with the Russians and Sessions lied that he “pushed back” on the whole idea. Remember that the investigation into trump’s conspiracy with the Russians started when Papadopoulos got drunk in a London bar and told an Australian diplomat that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary in the form of thousands of e-mails…and, in an ironic twist, the same thing happened with Papadopoulos this past Friday night in Chicago….where he was out drinking with his wife and revealed to a stranger that “Sessions encouraged him” to find out anything he could about the hacked e-mails that a Russian operative had mentioned to Papadopoulos. This means that Sessions is still lying to everyone and that Mueller knows about it…how does that feel, Jeffey? Next stop…federal prison for perjury and for lying to congress….couldn’t happen to a bigger hypocrite….