The toddler in chief strikes again…

Well….if any of you out there have kids, you recognize the idiot trump’s behavior as that of a toddler….with his short attention span and lack of the ability to think about the consequences of his actions. After his tough guy act where he imposed tariffs on China without ever thinking what the response would be…and the effects now being felt by farmers across the country who are losing money and in danger of going bankrupt, the idiot boy wants to undo his first act in office; pulling the US out of the TPP….to try to help these same farmers that he has crapped on. And guess what? The other countries that are party to the trade agreement have said “no thanks” and have refused to even entertain re-opening the pact since trump insulted all of them and is so unstable that there just is no point in even talking to him. How’s that for making America great again? When can we be rid of of this idiot? Impeach…

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