Well…have been reading the news all morning trying to come up a topic but the news has been pretty quiet today…maybe a little too quiet given the unending scandals coming out to the idiot trump’s administration. You may have heard of this one, though, that Scott Pruitt didn’t think the government vehicle that he was issued was quite good or safe enough so he got them to issue him a fully bulletproof one…and that even included bulletproof seat covers…through his whole tenure, Pruitt has spent money hand over fist….more than the past three administrations combined and the question came to me..”what changed?”…what was the reason this moron feels so threatened? I wonder if it could be the fact the EPA is now being run for the companies that it is supposed to regulate and that these companies are writing new regulations that will kill thousands of people a year with the increased pollution? Or is it just that these thieves are the typical chickenshit repubs who are scared of their own shadows and there is no reason for the increased security other than it makes them feel important? No other EPA administrator has needed a 20 person security detail or a bulletproof vehicle….and this idiot doesn’t either…geez….