Well…I think I got lucky this morning when I decided to fill up the car at $2.69 a gallon and then noticed, when I was out onĀ the bike, that the price has shot up to $2.95 a gallon…and since the repubs always blamed Obama for any price increases, I will do the same with the idiot trump…thanks, trump. Hey, trump voters, where’s your tax cut now? Just this price rise is over double what the tax cut was for most people…and when you couple it with the cost increases for health care that is entirely the doing of the repubs, you have been taken for the saps that you are. This doesn’t even factor in the nonsense on tariffs on Chinese steel that the Chinese have just responded to by raising tariffs on our crops by up to 156% which will put a bunch of farmers out of business this year. This is what you get when you put a moron in charge of economic policy who has no frickin clue what he is doing…cripes, he has no clue about anything…trump is just one of the most stupid people I have ever seen…and we are all paying the price for that stupidity…impeach…