How ya likin trump now, soybean farmers?

Well…I just loved this little bit of news that came out today that, in response to the idiot trumps tariffs on China, that China has just stopped buying American soybeans…now, I feel for the farmers that are going to be hurt by this, but they voted for the idiot and foisted him on the whole country so I don’t feel too much for them…in just the past week, China has cancelled 70,000 tons of soybean orders that are worth over 30 million dollars…and that is going to put some of them out of business and cause job losses across the red states who elected this jackass….now, I hope these morons who voted for this know nothing, ignorant, moron will remember what he has done to them come November…but, they probably won’t…just like the evangelicals that voted overwhelmingly for the serial sexual assaulter and continue to support him even after revelation after revelation of just how terrible a person trump is, these farmers are just too damn dumb to vote in their own self interest…hey, farmers…turn off fox news for a while and let your intelligence come back…maybe then you’ll vote for competency and knowledge in government…yeah, probably not….but, her e-mails….geez…

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