Well…I know you’re probably tired of reading about how stupid the idiot trump is…probably almost as tired as I amĀ of writing about it…but, cripes…when he attacks Canada with some ignorant bullshit, I do need to comment. I’m sure you’ve heard of the phone call that the idiot boy had with Trudeau where Trudeau asked trump why Canada is a national security risk to the US, the excuse that trump used to impose tariffs on Canada. What did the idiot say to that? He said “you guys burned down the WH”…..just jaw dropping stupidity and ignorance. Every damn school kid knows that it was the British who burned the WH in the war of 1812…Canada wasn’t even a country yet in 1812 so how could they have done it? But, that doesn’t matter to the idiot in chief…just another instance where he makes crap up to score what he thinks is a political point and that blows up in the faces of all of us….when are you going to do something about this moron, repubs? November can’t come soon enough for 60% of the country….impeach…