A petulant little child…

Well…after the debacle of the idiot trump’s behavior at the G-7 conference this past weekend, the European news is completely destroying trump, calling him a “petulant little child” and Macron of France even going so far as stating that there is really no point in even talking to trump since he is an “incoherent liar” that tries to govern by “fits of anger”….now, I just want you to let that sink inĀ  a minute….the repubs freaked out when Obama wore a tan suit and now they are silent when trump bulls his way to destroying our standing in the world since he is just so damn ignorant and dumb. Now, I think Putin got just what he paid for in electing trump….he wanted to drive a wedge into all of the European relationships from Nato to the G-7 and trump is obliging him…and now trump wants Russia re-admitted to the G-7, not understanding or caring that they were expelled for the annexation of Crimea and their invasion of the Ukraine…attacks that are still going on right now. Now we have the idiot in chief talking to Kim and elevating his thuggish regime on the world stage….and no matter how trump’s toadies spin it, it is not a good thing to be talking to Kim and it is not a “failure” of previous presidents when they didn’t….they knew that Kim couldn’t be trusted and still can’t…but, I guess trump is comfortable around liars…after all, he is the biggest liar in the world…impeach…

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