Well….if you read the previous on on Sarah Huckabee Sanders and my feelings that we have to be better than the thugs and racists that a running this country right now, and we do, but if the institutions that are supposed to make sure this country survives won’t do their jobs (I’m talking to you congress) then we the people have to do something, then we have to make the criminals and liars understand that what they are doing is unacceptable and expose their crimes to everyone….and part of that is to register the disgust we feel with all of the enablers of the thug in chief…to make sure that their behavior is not further normalized…that the lies are not normalized, that their destruction of the norms of the US is not further normalized…I can understand why the restaurant owner did what she did….that she just couldn’t bear what Sanders is helping to do to this country and did her little part to strike back…after all, this is what used to happen in this country when the leaders had a sense of shame and people called them out on their bad behavior…but that was sacrificed to the repubs lack of any morality or integrity so I guess we have to do something individually to try to protect this country…it’s all part of the resistance that many of us try to do every day…maybe we do have to bring a gun to a gunfight…and then try to fix it when we win….