Well…just got a huge laugh from the whining of trump defender Alan Dershowitz saying he is a victim of “social profiling”…here’s the money quote: “I have experienced this first hand on Martha’s Vineyard. Old friends are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life.” First, poor little snowflake…you go on tv almost daily defending the worst person in the world and you expect people to be okay with that? You should be banned from the entire damn world since you continue to give trump cover for being the racist idiot that he is….and now you whine that you’re not getting invited to parties anymore? Have you ever thought to not protect trump? To be a good human being that people want to be with? There are consequences to actions moron….but you snowflakes truly believe that you can be the biggest assholes in the world and everyone has to just take it and smile….poor, poor baby….