Well…I’ll bet Putin is just laughing his ass off and grinning with his puppet trump’s performance at the NATO breakfast this morning..god, can the idiot boy get any more embarrassing to us? Showing his ignorance and stupidity, trump went off on Germany today calling them “captive of Russia” because they get 35% of their natural gas from Russia…and you could visibly see everyone else in the room cringe when idiot boy went off on his rant and when the adults in the room tried to correct his lies with facts, this moron just shouted them down and wouldn’t listen. This all plays into Putin’s goals of breaking up the EU and NATO and sowing discord that will reduce Europe’s power to contain Russia….goals that trump seems to gleefully embrace as he trashes our closet allies. I have a bit of advice for the friends we have left in the world, just frickin ignore trump and his minions and go your own way until we can get rid of this idiot…and that day is coming…just not soon enough…impeach…