Well….as we all know, the idiot trump is dumber than a box of rocks and has no clue to how normal Americans live their daily lives…and this was on full display at a “rally” yesterday in Florida where he tried to excuse the vote suppressing voter ID proposal there by saying you need ID cards to buy groceries so it’s okay to have to have them to vote. Now, this idiot has never set foot inĀ grocery store in his life and the people he has surrounded himself with probably haven’t either so how could he know? if I think back to yesterday, when I WAS actually in a grocery store, and I wonder if I should report the cashier since he didn’t ask me for ID when I bought potatoes or chips…and, I even used a card to buy them….if I remember correctly, and I do, I never even had to talk to anyone…just through the checkout and out to the car….I wonder how many of trump’s troglodyte supporters are now going to run out and try to get a grocery ID card today? They are just dumb enough to do it…impeach…