Well…running a little late today…didn’t get up til after 7 and that is sleeping in for me…slept okay last night and don’t feel too badly today other than a few aches and pains that are more and more normal these days…had a nice bike ride yesterday but it looks like I will finally have a day off the bike with the storms that are coming in…they’re stretched all the way back through Nebraska and it looks like the rain is going to start soon….I do need a day off the bike to let my legs heal up some but that means I’ll have to cut 600 cals out of my meals today and I’m not sure how I’ll do it….maybe I won’t…I think I can afford to be over a little today….didn’t get a lot done yesterday and today will be the same with pool this aft…but, I do have time this morning so maybe I’ll get something done before pool…more later…