Well…I feel much better today…don’t know if it was bad food or what that was the cause for yesterday’s malaise but what a wasted day. I can’t say not much to do today…have the boys coming over for dinner and have to get the pies started before I go out for coffee…they opened the coffee shop to try it out today so I kind of feel obligated to stop over there….I’ll fill you in on the rest of the day as it goes on…but need to get going right now…more later…
Okay…got the pies done and the potatoes peeled…and wanted to get this thought down before I forget it…I am starting to think our country is completely broken…after reading some comments to an E.J. Dionne column where he decries the lack of civility and the revisionism that the right is now doing with regards to Thanksgiving….these mean-spirited folks can’t, even for one day, just give it a rest, to take the day off and just enjoy…if we could just harness the hate that these people have…we could stop importing oil…