Well…no pool today with the bar being closed for Labor Day so I thought I’d just come here for a few bitches…so here goes….you know, I waited over 15 years to be able to get health insurance again…that I could afford…and I thought I’d paid my entire working life for Medicare and didn’t expect the expenses that still come even after paying in for forty years…I mean the basic cost is 134 bucks a month but that is without a supplement policy that would cost me another 100 dollars a month that I can’t afford, or if I had to take part D for prescriptions that would be another 100 a month…so how do people who need this stuff afford the 334 dollars a month on a fixed income? And that doesn’t even cover the co pays which will be 184 dollars for my checkup tomorrow….and that is not even addressing the 20% of any hospital bill that I will have to pay for if I ever end up there…which could run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for my end of it….folks, this is why we need to vote for the dems this fall…at least they have promised to increase the coverage so we should be protected from going broke in retirement…can you say that about the repubs? Nope….