Well….with the latest revelations that trump and his cronies in the WH are interfering in the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh, I have just one question: why can’t the repubs do the right thing one damn time? Trying to put the fix in on this investigation is just the latest of the repubs always doing the wrong thing…on their tax cut scam that only benefited the rich, on their continuing attempts to gut Obamacare and throw 20 million people of their health insurance, to their continued attempts to take away women’s right to control their own bodies, to gutting environmental regulations that will kill more than 20,000 Americans each and every year, the repubs are on the wrong side of every issue that the polls show Americans care about and are doing their best to destroy this country before they lose in the November elections…and, if they ram Kavanaugh through to the SC, it will de-legitimize the court so that any decisions they make will be seen in the nakedly partisan lens they should be….and the efforts of the dems to impeach and remove Kavanaugh will be the first order when we take back the house and is necessary to restore faith in our government institutions that the repubs have done their best to destroy….I just hate these assholes…