Well…in keeping with the fact that the idiot trump ruins everything he touches, he has just done that to the FBI with his interference in the investigation of the sexual assaulter, Brett Kavanaugh. It has been revealed today that the FBI was limited to interviewing only 9 people and the ones they did interview were dictated by the WH and the old white guys who are ramming Kavanaugh through the senate…think of that again…the FBI, which is supposed to be an independent investigating organization was told how to do it’s job by the criminal in the WH to protect the criminal they are installing on the SC….what is going to be next from these criminal conspirators? No more elections? Outlawing dems? At this point, nothing McConnell and his criminal cronies do would surprise me…they are ruining this country and stand there grinning about how clever they are for doing it…but, they will pay at the ballot box in November…