Well…with the destruction of our democracy that we witnessed over the past couple of weeks and the impending removal of the rights of anyone who is not white and straight and male, I just want to remind everyone here that we can start to repair this damage if we just damn vote…that’s it…it’s very simple, we outnumber the assholes on the right and it we just get off our lazy asses and vote, we will win…and we will see that terrible people like Susan Collins, who betrayed every woman in this country with her vote for Kavanaugh, will be gone in 2020…as will many other repubs who only listen to the money, not to the people who elected them…in Collins case, there has already been over 3 million dollars raised for her dem challenger in the past two days and that will explode into the tens of millions to make this hypocrite Collins go away…and that is just what she deserves for all of the lies she has told and her acceptance of Kavanaugh’s sexual assault just to keep what little personal power she will get from her vote….every damn one of the repubs need to go away and we can make that happen if we just damn vote…cripes…