The Saudis are now murdering for trump?

Well…I just can’t fathom how breathtakingly stupid and naive the idiot trump is…and he showed how far out of his depth he is over the weekend as the Saudis tortured and murdered the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in their consulate in Turkey…the idiot boy made the whole thing possible while Khashoggi was still alive but being held by saying that the most important thing to him were the “jobs” at defense contractors that would go away if the US were to impose sanctions for the kidnapping…essentially giving the Saudis the green light to do what they wanted to Khashoggi since there would be no penalty for it….and, since Khashoggi was anti trump and trump has, over and over, said that journalists who oppose him should be “weeded out”…the Saudis took it as doing trump a favor by killing Khashoggi…now, idiot boy has sent SoS Mike Pompeo to talk to the Saudis about the killing and the photo ops are just as bad as you can imagine…Pompeo sitting next to the Saudi king laughing and grinning like and idiot while a resident of America was murdered…can you imagine if Hillary had done that? Impeachment for both Hillary and Obama would have happened before they got back to the US…and yet, the repubs in congress keep going along with this farce…and they all have Khasoggi’s blood on their hands, too…impeach…

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