Well…as the pre-excuses start to pile up from the repubs since it looks like they will lose the house next month…the idiot trump has started to float a real whopper…that the mid-terms are not a “real” election so his followers don’t really need to turn out to vote…and the second part of that is that if they do lose, it’s not his fault since the mid-terms are not a referendum on him but it is anyone else’s fault but his…and he lies, and lies that “people” are coming up to him at his propaganda shows and telling him that they will never, ever vote in the mid-terms since idiot boy is not running….the delusion continues with trump saying that any repub who loses didn’t tie themselves closely enough to trump and his policies since he and they are so popular. Man, is there any dumber person on the planet? All I have to say is keep it up idiot…keep telling your deplorables to stay home and not vote and maybe we can take the senate, too…what a moron….impeach…