Well…today’s the day I have been both looking forward to and dreading for months…it’s election day here in the US and it could be the most important election in the history of this country…and that is not hyperbole…if you want to stop the country’s slide into fascism and put and end to the damage the repubs have done over the past two years….get out and vote…if you want to stop the idiot trump’s agenda…that is to say the agenda of the 1%, get out and vote….if you want to start to fix the damage that the repubs have done to Michigan, get out and vote….if you want to hold politicians accountable, get out and vote…oh, did I day get out and vote? Today is the day we can re instate the rule of law in this country but only if you vote…and vote for dems up and down the ticket….so get the hell out and vote…l will be at around 10…and I have cocktails to either celebrate starting the political repair process or to mourn the death of the US….