Grift doesn’t scale…

Well…I think one of the biggest mistakes that the idiot trump made in trying to use his petty grifting tactics that worked in NY on a worldwide basis is the fact that grift doesn’t scale…what I mean by that is the sleazy two-bit scams that worked so well in NY where everyone knew trump was just that…a two-bit grifter don’t translate to a national or a world stage since the environment is different…it was just an acceptable part of the NY real estate market that scams abounded and that regulators could be bought off for what is peanuts to the scammers…as evidenced by Jared and Ivanka getting bought out of a few felony counts of lying to investors by a 25K donation to the New York county district attorney who, against the advice of the team investigating the scam, dropped the charges against them. Since he got away with everything his entire life, it follows that trump would think the same thing would happen after he was installed as president by Putin…but, then reality intervened in the guise of people who still think that the law needs to be followed and there needs to be a respect for the rule of law…and now, trump and his kids and anyone else in his crooked sphere are in the spotlight and are in real trouble….there was a quote from someone that I read yesterday that sums it up…”no one comes away from trump’s orbit unscathed”…and that would be a great epitaph for his tombstone…impeach…

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