Well…if you haven’t been in a cave for the past week or so, you’ve heard the idiot in the WH go on and on and on that he was going to shut down the government if he didn’t get funding for his stupid wall included in the legislation to keep the government open…and has bragged that he has the votes necessary to pass it…but, reality came crashing down on the idiot’s head today that can be summed up with a modified phrase from “Seinfeld”…”No wall for you!” I guess ole Mitch had to tell trump that he didn’t have the votes for it and will never have the votes for it in the senate never mind that the votes aren’t there in the house, either…even before the dems take over in January. You can guess what trump’s response was to this reality…in the span of two minutes on twitter, he said that the wall would be paid for by Mexico in the revised NAFTA trade agreement…then that the military will build the wall using their money…or they’ll find the money somewhere else in the government by cutting some program somewhere…what idiot boy doesn’t understand is that the dems will NEVER fund the wall and if there is funding for it in the NAFTA revisions, it won’t be passed through the House….it is so damn funny to read the twisting that trump is doing trying keep his base on board since that is the only thing they care about…and they are going crazy…fun to watch…impeach….