Well…it finally happened this morning…crashed the bike hard and did a bunch of damage..to me…the bike is okay but I landed on my right knee and shoulder and it hurts like crazy…don’t think I broke anything because I can still move my shoulder…it kind of feels like I just raked a half acre or chipped some ice but I know it’s going to get worse as the day goes on…luckily, I fell on a patch of dirt and grass but it did make a lot of crunching noises when I hit with my shoulder….the bitch is it all came from starting to turn 6 inches too soon after crossing one of the slippery bridges and just lost the front end…I did ride the bike back here and it looks like just a couple of scratches is all the damage done to it…so, today is going to be laying low but I need to keep moving my shoulder so it doesn’t freeze up…cripes, it even hurts to lift a glass of water so today is not going to be fun….ick…