January 17th

Well…decided to run a little early today and get this done before I go out for groceries in a little while…and part of that is that I am already starting to get bored and needed to fill the time before I go…I did sleep last night but it was with a lot of tossing and turning but I didn’t hurt my shoulder so that is a plus…just a little pain today and I even slept on my shoulder some…I still woke up for the first time at 4:37, though, and that isĀ  a little annoying…would just love to sleep through the night just once a month….I did get a few things done yesterday with running a couple of errands and even getting the car washed since it really needed salt removal but it appears that we are going to have some snow this weekend that will coat it again…and it’s going to be cold so it will be some hunker down time again…I did get 10 pounds more chicken for about 9 bucks yesterday and I am going to try to get creative with new recipes to use it…I am going to make some thighs and rice with mushroom sauce in the instant pot Sat and I am just winging that recipe…building on the Alfredo sauce I made earlier in the week and that may be fun….might even try to get out on the trails today for the last time this winter since my new trainer for the bike is coming Tuesday and I’ll be riding indoors until the weather breaks….more later…

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