Clothing is speech…

Well…have been searching around for a topic for today and it just popped into my head that maybe I should talk about clothing…specifically, clothing that has a message on it, and the fallout that comes from the message it sends. In the news lately, we have the Covington Catholic school boys who were filmed harassing a Native American man while wearing MAGA hats…and justifying the hats by saying they are just hats and a fad in their community. Yeah, right…those particular hats are connected to the racism, misogyny, and hatred that the idiot trump spouts every day…and I agree that they ARE the new white hoods like those worn by the KKK to terrorize AA’s throughout our history…they are just modernized versions of those hoods and are meant for the same things…to intimidate people who are not straight, white, and christian…and these kids understand that…especially when videos have surfaced of other kids from CC in blackface screaming at an opposing black basketball player…and not one damn adult is saying anything to them…no teacher, no administrator, no parent thought there was anything wrong with it. As it was in the 70′s when those of us opposed to the Vietnam war wore peace signs on our clothing and through today when we wear articles that support women’s rights…clothing can send a message either of peace or of hate…and a MAGA hat sends just that message of hate…it’s not ironic as some defenders of the CC kids have tried to assert…it is just about hate and white privilege…things that are acceptable to the CC community…and to way too many others in this country….

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