Well…with all of the snow today, I decided to stay home and not shoot pool…couldn’t even get out of the lot here until they just did the snow a few minutes ago…and there is another reason that it was a good idea to stay home…I feel pretty crappy and warm right now and my intestines are giving me fits…lots of pain and I just figured out what the cause of it is…the whole thing started with my stomach getting really queasy after I had a couple of bowls of my homemade broccoli/cheddar soup and I wonder if it can have gone bad after just 3 days? Have been taking antacids since lunch and that hasn’t really helped so it must be the soup…oh, the intestines…just figured out what that is from just a couple of minutes ago…I had peanut butter on toast for breakfast yesterday and my recent sensitivity to peanuts is what is twisting my intestines into knots…damn…and I like peanut butter, too…oh, well…one more food to completely avoid…