Well…if the long, long record of the idiot trump in business wasn’t enough to show it, this latest defeat on “wall” funding along with the decision of the TVA to close two more coal-fired generating plants, that trump went out of his way to try to save, there is no conclusion to be drawn other than trump is just a damn loser and has been his entire life. Let’s not forget his 6 (or more) bankruptcies, either, and the only way that he “won” the election was by cheating with the Russians….something that is becoming clearer every day as the Mueller investigation churns along, chewing up everyone who has been in contact with the idiot. On any objective scale, the only way to describe trump is as a loser who has been propped up by daddy’s and other people’s money his entire life…I mean, how do you start out with over 400 million dollars and end up shilling for bottled water and steaks…and even those businesses went bust. Maybe that will be my new way to refer to trump…the loser trump…nope, I’ll use it a little but I just like idiot boy better…or moron, or ignoramus, you get the drift…impeach…