Well…I think we were all amused with the antics that Devin Nunes showed when he was twisting himself into knots protecting trump from any oversight when the repubs controlled the House…other than the fact that he was protecting the biggest criminal to ever infest government…and, over the past few days, we have seen even more from the biggest snowflake in the House when his fee fees were hurt by parody twitter accounts called Devin Nunes’ Mom, and Devin Nunes’ Cow whose sole purpose is to make fun of the idiot’s behavior. Now, inĀ about of the most snow flakey behavior I have ever seen, ole Devin has sued twitter and these two accounts for 250 million dollars alleging “emotional distress” from having these accounts make fun of his stupid behavior….now, as we see every day, the repubs don’t know what’s in the constitution and really don’t care…but this one just makes me laugh since a public figure is fair game to ridicule for his behavior, or his looks, or anything else that satirists decide is funny at the time…it’s not up to Nunes to decide what other people can say about him…so, this suit is going to explode and probably kill a judge from laughter if it ever even gets to court. One unintended consequence the ole Devin didn’t plan on was that, with his help, the devincow twitter account now has more followers than he does…and that means that instead of silencing it, the idiot Devin has just made sure that more and more people will know just how ridiculous he is….poor, poor snowflake…