Well…hmmm…it’s a lot harder to not ride than I thought it would be…have been staring at the radar all morning trying to see if there is going to be a break that I can fit in an hour…but, I need to take a day off today with how flat my legs were on the second ride yesterday…but, that’s not what this is about…over the years, you’ve heard me talk about various personal records that I have done on the bike and I only have one more to set or break…in 109 more miles this month, I will finally get to better than 500 miles in a single month…as you remember, I got to 1000 miles for the first time before May 1st this year and that crazy riding has continued for the first three weeks of the month…and that leaves me with 12 days to ride the 109 miles I need to get there….that is one of the reasons I am having such a hard time sitting here and healing today…I know it should be pretty easy to get there if I keep up doing doubles every day but it looks like rain every day this week so there will be some dodging of raindrops necessary…that will leave me with no other goals other than trying to get to 4,000 miles for the year but I’m not sure I can get there…we’ll see…