Well…sitting here waiting for the maintenance guys to come to look at my washer and thought I’d talk a little about a new development in the constant attempt by the idiot trump and his idiot NSA John Bolton to lie us into war with Iran. If you remember, Bolton was instrumental in lying us into war with Iraq pushing the WMD bullshit and how did that turn out? 7 trillion dollars later we have a barely stable Iraq that is more closely allied with Iran every day and none of Bolton’s or Cheney’s predictions were even remotely true….and now he is pushing trump into more war crimes in the middle east with the lies that Iran is building up to attacking the US. When this bullshit was presented to our truth based allies, they all laughed in Mike Pompeo’s face and told him bluntly that they are misinterpreting the intelligence and they will not go along with any attack on Iran…and will even condemn the attack in the UN and side with Iran. I wonder how happy Putin is with this latest wedge driven between the US an Europe by their installed puppet trump? Putin seems to be getting everything he wanted by elevating idiot boy…and I can see that smirk on his face that says he can’t believe how well his intelligence operation worked. No one in the world believes anything trump or his administration says anymore…can we have a little more winning please? Impeach…