The toddler in chief holds his breath…

Well..damn, trump really is a toddler…after storming out of a meeting after three minutes with Pelosi and Schumer that was supposed to be about how to start fixing our crumbling infrastructure, the toddler in chief went out to talk to reporters and whine that he won’t do his job until congress stops investigating him…the only thing missing was him jumping up and down and holding his breath. Is this enough repubs? Is it finally enough that this moron criminal won’t even talk to anyone about his frickin job unless they cave to his blackmail? You can see the meltdown coming and it is really going to hit the fan when the appeals court that has the case about his obstruction by not providing his financial statements rules against him and Mazars has to hand all of it over. Today was such a childish spectacle of an entitled idiot coming apart when he was told no you can’t have ice cream before dinner…the ball is in your court dems, it is now time to get the impeachment ball rolling and remove this obviously unfit toddler from office…

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