Well…that was a wasted day….didn’t even start to feel human until about 7 pm and still don’t think I’m at 100%…well…I’m never at 100% any more but that’s another story. I was going to do one on the repeal of DADT yesterday but I didn’t do anything at all but nurse the wounds…and you’ve seen that before on Sunday so it shouldn’t have been surprise….didn’t even go out for SF since that would have meant driving across town and that was just not going to happen…..yep…still feel like crap….and I am so sore all over that I’ll have to go back to the ibuprofen before I go out for coffee. I do have a few things to do today…..yay…have to go out for supplies this morning and then back here to get some work done….then do laundry and clean some…I think I’ll make it a goal to get the whole place cleaned up before the end of the week so I’ll have some sort of an accomplishment and won’t feel like it was another wasted week…I’m starting to feel like the Eagles song “Wasted Time”…go look it up…it doesn’t fit completely but the general theme is there….okay…time to go….more later….