Well…okay, just a short one on something that Joe Biden said the other day…that he expects to be able to “work with” repubs if he is elected…and to me that calls into question his judgment…don’t get me wrong, I like Joe and always have…he has served this country well for almost his entire life but Joe, haven’t you been paying attention for the past 40 years? Especially the past 10 where the repubs have shown quite clearly that they would prefer to burn the country down than even talk to any dem about anything. Joe, you are not magic…and these are not the people who you worked with in the House and Senate…this crop of repubs are the most ill informed, hate filled bigots who have ever defiled this country and not a damn thing you say or do is going to change that….and to talk about “working’ with them shows a lack of grasp of the political realty that now infests this country and the only thing that will change that is getting rid of every damn repub…things have changed, Joe…get with the times…